Business Background
After the democratic election in 1994, thousands of people have lost their jobs because the majority companies have closed. Majority of these companies were owned and managed by White people who have decided to leave South Africa because it was going to be the democratic country.
It’s an open secret that the government cannot employ all people. In 2000 Mashige building construction and consultant was formed and registered as a close co-operation in 2007. Since then the company decided to contribute to the local economy by hiring 25 people to reduce an unemployment rate in the community. Now the company is assisting poor communities and South Africa as a whole, as it has hired more than 60 temporary and full time employees.
Our Skills
Executive Management
Mashige Nkhume
Managing Director
JImmy Matome
Quntity Surveyor
Deon Moster
Plant Manager
Gondo Obert
Contstrution Manager