Read Mix Concrete & Pumps
Doing a large scale construction job, no time for mortar mixing or don’t have the right equipment, Mashige will ease the load and supply for your project.
Plant Hire
If you have expertise but lack machinery let us rescue you by proving our heavy duty trucks, TLBs, ready mix trucks and construction equipment
Building & Civil Construction
Not only do we build individual houses but large scale construction such as Office parks, Schools, golf course and town houses. Let us shelter you
Road Construction
Mashige has been in road construction for many years partnering with companies such as Vharanani, Group 5 and servicing Government.
Steel Structure
With qualified and experienced engineering, we have been providing quality reinforcing steel structures for bridges, building foundations and dams retainer walls
Property Development
Whether you want private home, property renovation and upgrade, Mashige will do a customized project to your satisfaction.